Part-02 Step-9: Revision Now time to revise what you have learned so far. Specifically ES6 and tricky concepts of JavaScript. Step-10: Simple React Now time to learn React. React is a javascript framework or library. Learn fundamental concepts like components, hooks, API. Step-11: Router and State Management Now You have to use react-router version 6. This is not your wifi router. The router of react. You have to know state sharing on many pages. How to build a chart if this is dandy you ought to know. Try to make a dashboard. Then see your work context API and use reducer. Step-12: Authentication The important part of an application is authentification. You have to know how to integrate authentication in a react application. Besides how to host react application you have to know. You can understand how to log in to Google, Facebook, Twitter, and GitHub. There are some important packages. Do handle forms etc. Step-13: Backend and Database Now dive into the stack. For becoming a full-stack developer you should learn node and MongoDB. By these, you have to learn CRUD. As well as by JWT token how to secure an API. Step-14: FullStack Now your work is to build the full-stack application and deploy it. Build a minimum of 3 websites. Step-15 : Learn more things You have to go ahead with react. You have to know the payment gateway. How to handle image you to know. Admin panel, nested route, styled component, material UI. For responsive react applications you have to know Next JS. Step-16: Programming Fundamentals As a developer and a programmer, you have to learn the fundamentals of programming. That means you should learn basic Data Structure and Algorithms. You should solve the problems. As well Have to know the concept Object Oriented Programming. Written by Jhanker Mahubu Bhai #webdevelopmenttraining #webdeveloper #javascript #learning #network #video #media #projects #media #work #event #data #projects #html #programming #selfLearning #css #github #developer #google #react #ui #algorithms #database #management