Part-01 Step-1: HTML First You have to learn the bones of Web development or website that means Basic Html tags like p,a,body,HTML,div,em,h1-h6,head,img,input,li,ul,ol,span,strong etc. Next You have to learn CSS with similar style like height,width,color,border,background,font-size,font-family,margin,padding,overflow,position,text-align,display etc. then learn Git and Github. Make a website with HTML and CSS. Host it on GitHub. Make more than 2 websites with these technologies. And Yeah, Before starting these Install Visual Studio Code and Node on your computer. Step-2: HTML and CSS3 For making latest website you have to learn HTML5 audio,video, aside, section, article,nav,header,footer etc. more over learn how to make form and table. Then jump into CSS3 box-shadow,transition,transform,flexbox,grid layout,overflow,box-model,specificity etc. Explore the responsiveness of the website. By Media Query make at least 3 websites. Step-3: CSS Framework After learning HTML and CSS now work is to learn a CSS Framework . By that CSS Framework makes 3 websites. So I suggest you, learn bootstrap. If you learn to read documentation, That will be great. After that make 3 responsive websites. Step-4: Basic JavaScript Now started the main game. Firstly learn the simple 5 concepts of javascript. That means variable,condition,array,loop and function. Then you have to solve some problems. If you become boss in problem-solving then that will be great. After that learn prime numbers, string reverse, factorial, and Fibonacci. Step-5: DOM and Event Now time for learning Dom. When you going to work with dom you will learn the value of textbox you can find out it. If needed you can change the value. You handle events with a mouse and there will come an interactive fill in the website. Then by this interactive fill make 3 websites. Step-6: API Now your work is making dynamic feel on your website. Show the data from another resource. That will be JSON placeholder and the rest countris or another API get data from that build 3 projects. After that implement searching functionality on your website. When loading the data then shows the spinner. The fun is xoss. Step-7: ES6 First of all, there are some things you have to learn. Specially let,const,arrow,function,default,parameter,three dots,destructuring etc. Step-8: Browser and Debugging You have to know about browsers. If you want to become a web developer then it will be the main thing. So you have to know about the console and source tab etc. then the network, elements, and application tab. There is a thing that’s name is debug. That is you have to see if the website is working perfectly or not. If there is any issue then fix the issue. Written by Jhanker Mahbub See the next post for part 02 #webdevelopment #webdeveloper #javascript #learning #network #video #media #projects #media #work #event #data #projects #html #programming #selfLearning #css #github